Snow lightning

You know, as fall turns to winter, Deadly Lightning seems to be the furthest thing from our minds.

The problem here is : it’s 2014 and our weather does not fit the same statistical patterns it did say; five to ten years ago! Who has ever seen or experienced SNOW LIGHTNING!? Well, everyone unfortunate enough to live in Buffalo, NY SAW AND HEARD IT PLENTY starting last Tuesday. Our weather is so mixed up today, 80 degrees one day- twenty five degrees the next. Giving rise to the name: “Snowvember”

We are going to see at least a hundred percent increase in LIGHTNING in the next year!
According to meteorological sources that are carefully tracking and observing these vast and rapid changes in our CLIMATE.

Protect your family today.
“Better a Year too EARLY than a MINUTE TOO LATE!
Grady Vickery

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